
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - January 2015

Cook drink and save it in a bottle then recite Sora Muzammil 3 times with 3 times Drood Pak before and after the Sora. Lady should drink 2 bottles and 1 month.  In a glass of water add that drink according to need and mix the amulet and drink it. Must take 3 bottles even you got health. In summer take it in morning with empty stomach and in wither at 10 o clock in morning.

Acidity in stomach, Gas problem, burning of stomach and Liver

Breakfast:  gooseberry Jam (Murabba), or murabba of Black Myrobalan, or Chebulic Myrobalan , for a month and after that, use fried desi egg and yogurt. And after it take fried chickpea with sogi. Take tea of CAROM SEEDS, and soonat, or of cloves oe Cinnamon 3 times a day.


Any meat and bred of gram flour (add  1/4th of wheat flour)  


Cooked meat used in lunch can be eaten or eat fruit chaat, apple, oranges, guava, aanab,  and take ‘Juwarish Shahi’ half teaspoon,  ‘Sharbat-e-Fouladh’  2 teaspoons in morning and evening.  Drink one bottle of coca cola or Fanta at one time.  Take water of Tamarind and Plum every day. You can also eat Dhai-Bary and peanuts.

    Don’t eat bread in night meal. Eat cooked meat (used in lunch) or eat fruit chaat. You can add patato, or Cauliflower, or Aubergine,or  Butternut squash,or  Bengal gram spilt, or green gram, white chick peas, in meat.

Precaution: you are not allowed to eat Okra, dasheen and banana.

End of serious diseases with simple tips

Valerian: Take Barham Dandi one Masha, with fresh water, use it constantly and regular.

Vomiting and Hiccups:

Take one chatang  Vachellia nilotica ‘s soft thorn and crush them. Make tea of it by mixing them in one quarter water. When water remains half quarter add one quarter honey, give it to patient 3 times a day, Insha’Allah it will help.

For stones (pathri):

Take Sangdana (murg desi) chicken and Jokhaar in same quantity; make small tablets of them after crushing then take one tablet 2 times a day with water, sharbat-e-Bazoori or Lassi.


Majoo main patkri baryan, and kath take equally and tie one tola, almost, like a pile in a very thin piece of cloth, leave it over night, in morning use it on your bowls,(for astanja)Insha’Allah leakoria will come to an end, you will become a maiden, repeat it for 5 days.


  Desi ginger’s water, water of white onion and honey, mix one teaspoon from each and  take at night, take  milk (make warm milk cool) after that, Insha’Allah, it will help. 

For every kind of pain:

For old everlasting constipation for flu and fever, helpful for leakoria, jiryan, and Nocturnal ejaculation, Insha’Allah, sund 5 tola, musaber black 2 and a half tola, dry hanzal 2 and a half tola, noshadar  thekri 1 tola, crush them all and make powder of it, add appropriate and make small tablets of it,

Dosage:  use according to disease, or take 3 tablets two times after 3 hours of meal. Use only for 4 or 5 days,

Syrup akseeer liver

        This syrup is for weakness of liver, hepatitis, and leucorrhea. And  for freckles

Zarshak  5 tola, Tamarind  5 tola and plum  10 tola, tharpala 10 tola. Makho half  Kg, gaozuban 5 tola, red Sandal 10 tola. Kishmish half quarter, katran one quarter, mix all these things with 15kg water and boil them after that strain them, then add 8 kg sugar and prepare the syrup, take3 teaspoons, 2 times a day after half an hour of food.

Mahjoon to release burn

For Stomach burn, acidity, gas, pain in belly and indigestion:

    Murabba of Black Myrobalan(hareer) half kg and half kg murabbah gooseberry gulqand (rose petal jam) 10 tola, saffron half masha, soda baikaarab 1 tola, green cardamom 2 tola, green konain 1 tola saat of  mint 9 masha, crush them all and make them like mahjoon, take one tola in morning and one tola in evening. Insha’Allah I will help.

Noori oil:

For every kind of wound, puss, and worms in wound and for blood oozing:

Carbolic acid, 2 tola, aekri faveen 1 tola, tankcher audeen, 2 tola, masterd oil 100 grams, mix them all this oil is very beneficial. Insha’Allah

 For every disease of stomach and liver

It’s good for eyesight, beneficial for blood deficiency, helpful for impotence, en the burning feeling and good for joint pain, this tip is for 70 or 72 diseases.: soft leaves of Syzygium cumini (jamun) 2 kg, Nilofer, 10 tola, fennel 5 tola, yellow Myrobalan 5 tola, baihra 5 tola,

   Gooseberry 5 tola, sana e Maki 5 tola, patri folad 5 tola,  barham dandi 5 tola, gorakh pan 5 tola, anjabar 5 tola:

  Leaves of jamun leave in pitcher’s water for 21 days, after that throw the leaves and put all things mentioned above in this water, leave it for 21 days, then boil it, then strain it, take original bairing Japani, make it red in fire and throw it water to end the fire, do it for 7 times, then strain the water and add sugar according to desire and prepare the syrup, take 2 or 3 spoons before breakfast in empty stomach, and before sleeping.

Cholera, flu and hotness:

   Poppy seeds, almonds, and mint take in a same quantity, crush and give it to patient if he vomit give him the whole glass, he will be fine.

Freezing of Mucus on chest:

  Mesri one chantag,  and malthi half chatang, crush them and mix them, eat it at night before sleeping, take it for 3 to 4 days it will help ad it will give you health, Insha’Allah.

   For Delirium:

    Dasi carom seeds kaparchaan and use on the palms and under the feet and heels if carom seeds is not available use the flour when patient recover senses, give him the warm milk mixed with honey,

 Pain of kidney

       Qulmi shora 1 quarter, bhalawy 7 put qalmi shora on fire, and burn balway one by one, when 7 balawy burn, then leave them to be cool, then crush then and put this powder in the small capsule covering, give it to patient for 3 days in morning and evening. Insha’Allah it will help.


Stone in kidney

   Rewind sugar. Taikri noshader qalmi shora take them equally and crush and mix them, take 2 times a day after meal take half spoon with fresh water. don’t eat  Badhi food,.

Badhi piles

Take one pill of Ancidal awal in morning and afternoon and evening for 8 days, don’t take tea.

Stone in kidney

  Char magi and pasha take equally crush them and make the powder, 1 mash take  two times a day, with fresh water or lassi. Take a lot of water and avoid the hot foods.

Piles khoon badi

Resoant India one quarter soak in the water of Radish, when it become soft, then add 3 chtang namoli neem and 3 chatang namooli bakain, dasi crushed mix in it,  make the ball and make small tablets. Use these tablets foe 7 days one tablet 2 times a day.

Tooth pain,

Camphor one tola saat of mint one tola, mix them  and add 2 tola of jamba oil,  and apply it on the tooth which is painful.

Hidden diseases

If  periods are coming slowly, then 4 leaves of Populous ciliate boil them in milk and drink it and if possible then eat some of them, Insha’Allah it will be beneficial.

Pain of joints, back and gas(reeh)

Dry the Flowers of madhar in shadow and take the equally quantity of falfal black and make the powder of it and with honey make tablets of it like gram, in winter take2 tablets every night with milk until one week, if the pain is miner then take one tablet.

Excessive periods

White mosli one tola, white patha one tola, peeling of ispagool, misri one chatang, mix them all and make powder then take one teaspoon 3 times a day.

Male Strength (potency), shoulders strength, health of stomach and liver, 

For the scars of face, pregnancy an pregnant women 

Gond kateera, 2 tola, murraba of apple 1 quarter murabba Myrobalan one quarter gulqnad one quarter, muraba carrot one quarter gooseberry, and bhahi murabba one quarter each, murabba tum one quarter, almonds one quarter, poppy seeds 5 tola, 4 magz 5 tola, taba shhra nakara 1 tola ilaich khurdh 1 tola, ispagol one tola,. Wash all murrabs and grand them together and mix other things in it.

Take 2 teaspoons with milk at night.

For Gantia

Mustard oil one quarter, jarmadhar half quarter,  50 cloves,  clean jarmadar with water and divide it into small pieces, add both things in oil, when they burn take them out and throw and preserve the oil. Patient should massage with it for 5 days, after massage put shopping bag on it and wrap it with  warm cloth, do massage in the room to avoid the air contact, wash it in morning and stay away from the air contact for an hour, Insha’Allah patient will recover.

    Cure from every disaster and problem,

     (Muhammad Ashiq Hussain , Karachi)

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الَّذِیْ لَا یَضُرُّ مَعَ اسْمِهِ شَیْ ءٌ فِیْ الْاَرْضِ وَلَا فِی السَّمَآءِ وَھُوَ السَّمِیْعُ الْعَلِیْمُ

If a person recites this dua three times nobody will make his loose, it is narrated by Abu Dawood (r.a) that he will not encounter with any blue from bolt, I want to tell the experiences of this dua, first of all I will share my own experiences then I will tell the other friends’ experiences, thanks to Allah one person was reciting this for long time, and thanks to Allah, he had been saved from many big accidents.

     If you forget this dua and you could not recite, this is another matter that you encounter any problem, for example I could not recite twice and my pocket was picked twice. I lose the big amount.

It’s true that if we  recite it regularly, and with faith you will be saved from every lose.

     I am going to tell you some of the amazing charms of this dua, read them and try to recite this dua.

   In My home town Kandyarro,village where I live the streets were narrow, and there was a dairy farm, and buffalos used to go through these streets for grazing in every morning and evening, at the time of their passage from street people use to take care that any child may not go in the street.

They strictly stop them to go out in the street when animals are passing. Anyway before 15 or 16 years ago I went out for some important work, I just took some steps that a buffalo suddenly appeared from the other corner of the street, I was in hurry I thought if I stop here, bafellow will take long to go, before all befellows come and make the line I decided to go by the side of buffalos. Meanwhile 4 to 5 buffalos came. I started running with the wall, when I reached in the canter of street, suddenly a fat buffalo hit the thin buffelo, and they abruptly they changed the line and came in my way, buffalo’s heavy belly touched my thin body, I was walking with the wall. Meanwhile I thought that my body is torn into pieces, but thanks to Allah I did not feel any pain.

    It seemed that I am going to die, and my soul left the body, I don’t know, that was some minutes…. What was that but I know that buffalo went after hitting me, Allah knows better how I came out of that narrow street and after coming out I tried to see that from where my belly is wounded or how many bones are broken. Because sometimes warm body don’t feel any pain, and when body becomes normal then we feel pain and see what has happened, but thanks to Allah, there was no scratch on the front of body and back side was also saved.

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